Friday, July 24, 2009

Me? Dramatic?

As you've noticed, it's been a light week for blog posts--both at the MMS blog and this one. Sorry about that. We haven't forgotten about you. I'm afraid Monday started out with a debilitating migraine for Karen and then while sitting at my desk my right hip and later my knee seized up in classic "pinched nerve" style pretty much immobilizing me on the spot. There I was quietly sitting at my desk minding my own business carrying out MMS business when without warning, I was changed into a stumbling hunchback lurching around the administrative area grabbing at chair rails and door knobs to keep from falling over.

It was like someone shoved a knife in my hip and exploded a handgrenade under my knee.

I'd ridden my bike up to the shop that morning and Karen had come in, headache and all to handle receipting, so Karen drove us home on the verge of migraine blindness while I writhed and screamed in pain and thrashed around in the passenger seat. It wasn't pretty. Karen says after nearly seven years of marriage, she's still learning how to respond to my response to pain. She feels I can be quite "dramatic" at times. ME? DRAMATIC? WHAT?

So, other than having to care for a "dramatic" patient she's married to, Karen's now doing fine.

Me? I'm doing somewhat better after receiving a wonderful vial of pain pills and steroids from our family doctor. At least I can lay down and whimper instead of scream. I still can't sit, or walk, or stand for any length of time but 650mg of pain medicine six times a day does take the edge off.

The CT scan of my hip was normal, blood work eliminated the possibility of infection, the chiropractor says everything's where it should be, and our family doctor says to continue bed rest and pills and we'll reassess the situation on Monday.

My medical track record hasn't been that great since turning 50. Over the past three years, it seems I've faced one medical challenge each year. Since 2007 I've been a one man insurance deductible wrecking crew. And we really thought we'd make it through 2009 without incident. Typically all the tests confirm there's never anything wrong with me (other than stress and maybe too much caffeine). But it would be nice if it were cheaper to find out how healthy one really is!

Karen went in to the shop yesterday and brought the laptop computer home so this blog is being posted with me on my back in the guestroom bed.

Well, it's time for my next pain pill and another steroid. I guess I better wrap this up so I can remove the computer from my belly and have my beautiful live-in nurse, put ice on my back. God knew what He was doing when he picked an RN for my wife.

Giving Him all the praise!

Have a great weekend...


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I have had a very temperamental back most of my adult life, but I had the same experience about a month ago. Tom and I with Melissa and our grandson had gone camping above Santa Barbara. Everything went well and we went to the Santa Barbara Zoo. I was sitting eating my lunch, minding my own business watching the elephants eating, when wham out went my low back and hips. I took a large dose of Tylenol and Advil. Managed to get back to the campsite feeling somewhat better, when I bent to turn on a lamp, and everything froze in a solid wall of pain. With the help of Tom to the car, we drove 2 hours home leaving tent trailer and family behind. Poor Tom had to go back the next day and pack it all up and drive home. With 4 trips to chiropractor I was on the mend. But much to my great embarrassment, I somehow managed to walk through a screen door at our Bible Study potluck last week. Knocked the screen door down, and basically gave my neck a whiplash. Let's just say I have gotten to see my chiropractor quite a bit these last 6 weeks. Feel better and I will be praying for a swift recovery.

Anonymous said...

We are to get this news! You are not old enough to be doing this! Our threshold was 70! Get a motor bike! We were triming the Hybisgs bushes out front and Jane fell off the bricks. She is OK but she bounced her mouth on the bricks and she has a very swollen upper lip! I can't do ladders and she can't stand on bricks! You boith take care!! Love Dad