Monday, July 27, 2009

Increasing Activity, Decreasing Meds

Hello faithful blog readers, yes, it is I, once again blogging from flat on my back but be not disheartened or dismayed. I'm merely resting after a big day of increased activity with decreasing meds.

Thank you for your prayers, well wishes, and offers of assistance.

We're praising the Lord that I was finally able to sit and work at my home desk for several hours today and walked halfway up and back down our block two times without any major complications. Tomorrow I may go for a once around the block!

The pain has definitely diminished though stiffness lingers in my right hip and knee. I'll work from home again tomorrow as Karen heads back into the shop for the day. Lord willing, I'll be released to return to MMS on Wednesday after my next chiropractor's appointment and an appointment with our family doctor. I was about 35% today. Looking to be around 50% tomorrow after another night of rest.

At this point it's just looking like a muscle pull that should fully heal itself over the next few weeks. Hallelujah!

Here's a high-speed action shot Karen captured of me walking in front off our neighbor's house back into our own yard. Just call me "Blaze."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are relieved! Don't rush recovery! Love Dad & Jane