This is primarily a business trip for relational development and increased communication between our three organizations. As part of that process, Karen and I will spend the first two weeks undergoing MAF-International's Africa Region Field Orientation Course. This will help us better understand how MAF prepares their people for service in the field as well as for service in our hangar (For the past six years, MMS has been the exclusive training provider for MAF-UK airplane mechanics who will ultimately serve around the world with MAF-International). The orientation course is held at Ashburnham Place, a Christian retreat center.
After the course is completed we'll move to Ashford, Kent, where we'll finish out our final week. We'll spend at least one day in meetings with the MAF-International headquarters staff in Ashford, and another day in meetings with the MAF-UK headquarters staff in Folkestone, Kent. During those meetings we'll spend time with our counterparts in both MAF organizations, renew acquaintances, and make presentations to explain the MMS ministry. Lord willing, we'll spend our final three days as tourists and get to experience some of the local culture and explore the countryside.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers for safety and good health. It'd be wonderful to be vertigo-free (me) and migraine free (Karen) for the entire trip! We'd appreciate your prayers also that this would be a solid time of relational development between MMS and our MAF

Our goal is to keep up with the blog posts so you'll feel very much a part of this trip, but that will be directly proportional to internet access and opportunity. Please be patient and STAY TUNED!
Are their any messages you'd like us to pass along to the Queen?
Yes, please tell Her Majesty that I would appreciate it very much if she dropped prices at her BP stations at least $3 a gallon.
Don't forget to curtsy.
Seriously, we will be praying for you both.
I'll be sure to mention it to her.
Just realize that the British people are paying about $10 per gallon for the same gasoline!
Thanks for your prayers.
I'll do my best to curtsy...
Karen, Please take a picture of that curtsy!!! :-)
Have a wonderful time! Our prayers for a terrific time!
Glad to see that you arrived 12 minutes early....and better yet, safely. We'll be praying.
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