Back in Class
With the PFO over we're back in a regular cycle with tutors this week. Today, under Max's
tutelage, we covered theology, eschatology, church history, missiology, and field reality in relation to MAF's flight selection policies. Max is Manager of Research and Development for MAF and jokingly refers to himself as an MAF "artifact." He was a missions pilot with MAF for twelve years and has served in various management positions since joining MAF in 1971.
Our last session of the day was hosted by Luke, who heads up MAF's Information Services division. Luke discussed MAF's intranet services and led a hands-on session related to setting up a web page on MAFspace. He maintains MAF's Op Center email and LAN. He builds hardware, writes software, designs systems, and otherwise holds everything together with his bare hands (and a hardworking staff).
We'd also like to introduce Mark & Jenny who are in the pipeline for service with us at MMS as
part of the MAF engineer scholarship scheme. They'll soon have their first child. Lord willing, they'll be able to come to MMS for evaluation sometime next Spring. We enjoyed getting to know them over the first week of the orientation.
Arh some nice pictures. Missing you guys. Say hello to everyone.
It's crazy busy here, just about ready for youth camp next week.
God bless you all,
Andy P
Good to hear from you, Brother. Will pass your greetings along as requested. Say "hello" to Harriet for us and have a great time @ youth camp.
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