This was an amazing two days of training. We wish we could share some of experiences of the past two days, but to maintain the integrity of the program for future classes, it's best left unsaid. We can say this: as a group, we grew very close over the past forty-eight hours. It was hard to say goodbye to several of the group who were only here for the PFO. Vicky, Luc & Melaina, Adrian & Lindsay, Karen and I will be here next week for the additional organizational training.
Here's the full group from PFO (everyone but Melaina who took the photo). Members of our

Tony Horsfall was one of the two tutors for the PFO. We shared about him in an earlier posting

Arne Nordhal was the other tutor. Arne is from Norway and founded MAF Norway. He is on the

After the past week, especially after the past two days, Karen and I plan to do a bit of sightseeing in the local area tomorrow. We can use the break. Thanks for praying for us and making it possible for us to serve through your generous support.
It looks like it is chilly there. Stay warm and have fun. We miss you both.
Hey guys - great keeping connected while you're 'across the pond' - it's a great way to know how to pray.
Did you know that Ned's family is from England? Maybe Tony is related -haha!
Miss you!
Thank you very much. Actually, this morning the sun is up, the sky is blue, and I don't see a cloud anywhere! But yes, it is a bit cooler here than Coshocton. And you can bet we will take our umbrellas along on our little outing as it's rained every day since we've been here. We miss you too! Pass our greetings along to everyone at church tomorrow.
Hello Missy,
Thanks for checking in with us. Really, Ned and Tony MIGHT be related! Big man, big heart, big faith!
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