Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Morning

Karen's still sleeping and I'm up with the sun this morning. Yes, the sun. There's this bright glowing ball in the sky and not a cloud to be seen. I've already enjoyed more sun this morning than I have all the previous week. It's wonderful. Maybe the rain showers that are predicted won't materialize. And even if they's summer in England. It's supposed to rain. You can bet we'll have our umbrellas with us as we begin our little adventure today.

I think we've settled on visiting the town of Rye. It's just a short train ride from here and was recommended to us as a worthy day trip by several in our PFO group. The whole train thing is pretty cool. We'll take some snapshots while we're out and about.

As a final wrap to the PFO here's a shot of me with the Norwegian chocolate bar I was blessed to win as part of a cross-cultural exercise. Thanks again, Tony and Arne for making PFO such a meaningful part of our lives and ministry.

Speaking of snapshots, here's one I took yesterday afternoon right here across from the reception area.
It looks rather English, eh wot?


chocolatechic said...

Norwegian fabulous.

Being a chocolatechic, I have had chocolate from all over, France, Germany, California, but I still find that Hershey's is still my favorite.

Have so much fun today.

Praying for you.

Ralph and Brenda said...

I can't decide which is more beautiful, the amazing scene (you need to frame that!), or the chocolate bar (save that for the wedding--we'll help eat it!) Glad things are going well--God is blessing.

Old Codger said...

Thanks, chocolatechic. Your prayers were answered. We had a great day in Rye.

Old Codger said...

Ralph & Brenda,

Too late on the chocolate bar...but the photo may well be worth framing. Thanks for encouraging us with comments! Yes, God is certainly blessing us over this trip and may we all give Him the glory for it.