Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Answer to the Question of May 16th's Blog

Before I provide the answer to the question you've been pondering, as posed in our May 16 post where we invited everyone to guess how much the pictured part (control yoke bearing) cost, I'd like to thank Brenda, of Ralph and Brenda Hultin, for her involvement in this interactive exercise. Out of all the guesses received, Brenda guessed the best and came closest to the actual retail price of the part if ordered from Cessna Aircraft Corporation.

I hope I haven't shortchanged any other prospective guessers by revealing the answer so soon, but it does appear that the bulk of the guesses have already been received. If I have short-changed you, and you haven't quite finished your web research of various on-line aviation parts catalogs, I apologize.

So, without further delay...drum roll please...the retail price for a single "control yoke bearing" as installed on your typical missionary Cessna 206 is $130.00. That's right, one hundred and thirty dollars for that tiny little thing. Brenda guessed $12.00. Good job, Brenda. Way to be there for the home team! I knew I could depend on a Hultin.

For the next interactive opportunity I may set a deadline and award prizes. We'll see.

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