Saturday, May 3, 2008

Praises and Karen's Spring Projects

We praise the Lord for Karen's greatly improved health in 2008. It's been quite a process but after three years of being on Guaifenesin for her fibromyalgia, she's enjoying dramatically less muscle pain and substantially more energy and drive. Consequently, since we've been back from California, I never know what home management/home maintenance surprises to expect when I come home.

With the house windows fixed (see 4/9 posting), the side stepping-stones dug out, and new gardens dug along the walkway, she moved around front to expand the flower bed. She'd had a vision for this ever since we moved in. Karen has quite a heart for working with her hands to make this home one where everyone feels welcome and one with which we know God will be pleased. I mean it's His house. We're just temporary caretakers. And I'm privileged to be married to a caretaker extraordinare!

The Lord has also blessed us with an extra tenant this spring, a Robin which has built her nest on one of our porch corner posts. We haven't heard any chicks chirping yet, but maybe it's bit too soon. She's gotten used to us moving around the house and will remain on her nest while Karen sits on the porch swing.

My rose trellis is filling out nicely. This will be our third year of bloom.

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