Bell Cranks and Abrasive Wheels
As this week in the hangar comes to a close, Gertjan and Dale continue work on the Chad 206.
They recently shifted their efforts to preparing the wings to be attached to the fuselage. In the photo, Gertjan and Dale compare a bell crank from the starboard (right) wing of their 206 with the corresponding bell crank from the MAG 206 as part of the trouble shooting process in rigging the wing's control surfaces (flaps and ailerons).
Back at the MAG 206 project, Shawn uses an abrasive wheel on a pneumatic drill to remove corrosion from the p
ilot's door post. Because this airplane operated for years along the sea coast of Honduras, corrosion control, and the related repairs necessary because of unchecked corrosion, have proven to be time consuming elements of this restoration.
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