Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pushing Paper and Pounding Rivets

Pushing Paper

I've spent a good portion of my day preparing for tomorrow's staff meeting: reviewing last month's minutes, preparing this month's meeting agenda, and assembling the twelve related information and report packets for distribution. A picture of my activities today would look a lot like the picture of me in yesterday's post. The only difference is I don't have a Dr. Pepper to wash down my peanut M&Ms, I have a cup of Morning Thunder tea (which can also be used to drum up a bit of "afternoon" thunder as well). That being said, I was able to get away from my desk long enough to take a couple snapshots down in the hangar

Pounding Rivets

Here's a shot of Shawn and Mike pounding more rivets into the fuselage of the 206 being restored and repaired for Missionary Air Group down in Honduras. It's hard to tell the full scope of the project until you step away from the project, so I've included a second picture which may help illustrate the complexity and the depth of the project at hand.
While the airplane is coming back together, you can see it still has a ways to go before it's ready for service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the e-card you sent! I actually almost deleted it because I didn't recognize the sender at first. What a neat card! We had a great time with you as well. We're looking forward to B&B on Monday! :)