Accepted For Service: Ben & Caroline Fisher
Thank you for your prayers regarding our evaluation of Ben & Caroline Fisher this week (See May 26 posting). The Lord was clear in revealing His will for the Fishers and for MMS.Consequently, I'm very pleased to introduce the two newest members of MMS Aviation: Ben &
Caroline Fisher. The Fishers were accepted for service after successfully completing the final stage of evaluation...a week under the microscope here at MMS. We initiated the orientation process immediately after their acceptance this afternoon.
We'll meet again tomorrow for an eight or nine hour session in order to complete the material before they return to Missouri on Sunday. Once back home they'll begin raising the support necessary to begin service. Ben is a pilot and Caroline is a teacher.
Here I am assembling a display board for them to use as they travel to different places and share about MMS in different settings. This board is a tool for them to help educate people about the ministry of MMS as well as their role as missionaries with us.
It's exciting to have a role in preparing God's servants for the harvest field. Thank you so much for your direct role in helping us do so. Through your gifts and your prayers, you're as much a part of preparing Ben & Caroline for service as we are.
And may we all give God the glory for it!
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