Vertigo Returns & Karen's in the Kitchen
Vertigo Returns
I was surprised by the return of vertigo yesterday. It hit without warning around 3 in the
afternoon and immobilized me until about 8 this morning. It's still hanging on but the intensity level has dropped to the point where I can get off the bed, keep food down, and look at a computer screen for a few minutes. It's kinda crazy.
Candidate Evaluation Dinner
Karen's cooking up a storm for our guests this evening. Tim & Michele (neighbors and fellow MMSers) are are coming over to share dinner with us and Ben &
Caroline Fisher. Ben & Caroline are arriving from Missouri to undergo the final stage of evaluation to serve with MMS. They'll spend the next week living with another MMS family, Mike & Isobel. Ben will work in the hangar while Caroline interacts with the other wives and becomes familiar with the Coshocton area. They'll be watched, questioned, interviewed, tested, and otherwise put under the microscope. Ben's a pilot and Caroline is a school teacher. They've only been married two years, are in their early twenties, and desire to serve in mission aviation.
It's part of my job to oversee and facilitate their evaluation. If things go well, I'll spend next Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday afternoon, orienting Ben & Caroline for service.
Prayer Requests
Pray that my vertigo will go away.
Pray that Karen's sprained left foot will continue to heal.
Pray for God's guidance as we evaluation Ben & Caroline.
Thanks for loving and caring for us. Please know we love and care for you.
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