I enjoy Fridays. Because it's the end of the week? Maybe. But more so because it's that special day of the week when Karen and I work together in the MMS administrative offices. She receipts donations, processes information, inputs data, prepares receipts for mailing, readies the deposit and manages the organizational mailing list while I go about the Human Resource tasks in my office nearby.
But not only do we work together, we get to eat lunch together. And that my friends, is a special blessing because she makes the best sandwiches in the world--and the only day I get her sandwiches are the days she works in the office. Fridays. It's not that I starve the other days of the week (as you'd know if you looked over my shoulder the last time I climbed on the scales in the Dr's office) but one of these days I'll have to blog about her sandwiches. However, this isn't that blog.
Also you may have noticed this isn't a Friday on the calendar, but it was a Friday in practice as Karen came in to do Friday's work on Thursday because the MMS Annual Conference starts tonight and runs through Saturday afternoon. Consequently tomorrow's post may be a bit later than normal as it will only be up after conference activities are completed. Anyway...all that to say this...
Here we are working on a combined HR/Hospitality project over lunch today! We're in the MMS lunch room and Karen's clueing me in to all the things I should have thought of and didn't.

If you follow the blog, you'll know we just wrapped up a candidate evaluation last week. That week of activity illustrated some opportunities to improve organizational communication and coordination related to evaluations. As that's an HR function, I spent a good portion of last week outlining and defining some roles, responsibilities, and expectations related to future candidate evals and Karen discussed them with me over lunch. She's one smart missionary and I greatly value her input. Not only that, she has the greatest dimples, don't you think?
Yep, she's easy to work with and not hard to look at.
Thanks for making it possible for us to serve!