The 206 engine installation on the Chad 206 is just about complete. There are a myriad of details to check and double-check beyond slinging the engine onto its mounts. Control cables must be rigged; hydraulic hoses fitted and attached; fuel lines secured; tubing inspected and clamped; electrical components connected; and various nuts, bolts, and clamps require being "safety-wired" in place. The photo is of Gertjan on the left and David on the right of the engine taking care of just such details.
Moody 182

The Cessna 182 we're working on for Moody Aviation has made substantial progress with the final installation of a major repair first referred to in the June 2 posting. In this photo Shawn Bupp is driving the first of over 100 rivets to secure the fabricated structure in place and to make the belly of the aircraft complete up to the firewall. ScottGrote is inside the fuselage bucking the rivets for Shawn.
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