Team Coates is our "international team" as Dale Coates, the team leader, though now an American citizen, is originally from Zimbabwe, Africa; Gertjan is from The Netherlands, and David (pronounced Da-veed') is from Peru.
First 2008 Bike Ride to MMS
I made my first 2008 bike ride to the hangar this morning. Yeehaw. I made it to the top of the hill without my knees blowing out or my heart quitting (both pluses as far as I'm concerned). After a nice flat 4.5 mile ride the journey finishes with a half mile hill that climbs 250 feet. MMS is on top of that hill. It takes me 18 minutes to ride the first part and 12 minutes to climb the hill. I've been passed by crawling bugs on my climb, but so far I've made it every time (barring a couple flat tires last year).
I'll ride again on Thursday and then go into a Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine (Lord willing). This ride was a bit overdue, but the weather in May was unusually cold and wet. I admit it, I'm a fair weather bike rider.
Karen and I
Karen and I are doing well, learning about middle age, learning more about each other, learning more about faith, and are enjoying (or at least helping each other to try to enjoy) the many challenges of ministry.
Thank you for your faithful prayers, gifts, and encouragement which enable us to serve!
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