Karen made it home safely from PA last night! It's wonderful to be together again after five days apart. She had a good trip, enjoyed Ryan and Audra's wedding, visited with friends and family, and enjoyed light traffic and good weather while on the road. And praise the Lord her Honda's trunk was just big enough for the two foot lockers containing the engine case halves for the missionary airplane engine from Africa.
Roses Bloom in June
It seems I'm on a before/after photo kick right now. Here are two shots of our rose trellis: the first was taken in April after I pruned the roses for spring. I took the second shot yesterday after returning home from the hangar.
In Ohio, April IS NOT spring. In California, Spring starts in January. Of course if you ask me, spring doesn't start around here (Ohio) until June. Summer is July and August. Fall is September-November and winter lasts from December 1-May 31. But there may be some that disagree with me. That's just one man's opinion.

You're all invited to come on out, stop on in, sit on down, and smell the roses!
1 comment:
So glad that Karen is back.
Keith, spring starts in March. Seriously. Anything that is above 40ยบ is spring...way up here in northcountry.
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