Monday, June 2, 2008

Progress on the Cessna 182

Before & After
I thought I'd throw "before & after" photos at you to help you share in the exciting progress being made on the Cessna 182 repair project for Moody Aviation. This first photo originally appeared in our May 19 posting "Projects in the Hangar: Moody 182". This is the "before" picture of the gaping hole in the belly of the of the fuselage forward to the firewall.

Scott G. has been fabricating the complex set of components necessary to bridge the gap for several weeks. We hope you're as excited to see the progress as we are to be able to show you the
progress. This second photo is the "after" shot where the structural components that Scott has assembled are held in place prior to being riveted permanently in position. Yes, there's still a ways to go (and you can expect to see a few more "after" shots before this project is completed) but all this is happening because of your gifts and prayers to us.

Have You Caught the Excitement?
I hope you're as excited as we are about the progress on the Cessna 182 as well as the successful evaluation and orientation of Ben & Caroline.

These are the things your gifts and prayers are making possible: 1) preparing new workers for the harvest field, and 2) repairing the airplanes that missionaries need to reap the harvest. Our prayer is that you feel very much a part of the daily activities that go on here at MMS Aviation because YOU ARE very much a part of it!


chocolatechic said...

Missed you in church yesterday.


josh, julia, ethan, and amaya fisher said...

Keith, we sure missed you playing drums and singing yesterday. I'm sure you were really looking forward to the men's group. I hope you are feeling better soon!