Monday, October 20, 2008

28 Degree Bike Ride, Compass Aviation Ministries

Whoooeee, 28 degrees can be a bit nippy when riding to work. Actually it wasn't all that bad since I'd layered up, but my nose was running at a pretty good pace toward the end of the ride. While the first fifteen minutes of the ride creates its own "wind-chill" factor (as I'm moving fast across flat terrain) the last ten minutes is all up hill, along a tree shrouded road, requiring an elephant-like effort to move at a snail's pace. I'm hotter when I finish the ride than I am colder at the start and by the time I make it up to the mission I'm ready to remove a layer or two. Having my headlight fall of its mount and self-destruct after crossing the 5th street railroad tracks just made it more interesting this morning.

If someone would have told me I'd be riding my bike up to the mission in the dark in 28 degree weather...I would have told them they were crazy. But I really enjoy riding to the shop and once the snow and ice starts...I'M NOT RIDING!

Compass Aviation Ministries
Compass Aviation Ministries in Shelby, North Carolina is a relatively new ministry also focused on preparing people and planes for worldwide mission service. Their ministry model is still being developed and is different than the one we follow with MMS. Mark and John are the leaders of Compass.

They flew up this morning in their Cessna 206, toured the facility with Dwight, and then spent the afternoon with me discussing the basics of how to raise a support team. We'll continue through the day tomorrow and wrap up when their last question is answered. It's a blessing to be able to share what we've learned at MMS to help them grow the ministry God has called them to start. It's all about cooperation in The Kingdom!

I hope to have some pictures to share tomorrow.


chocolatechic said...

I wondered when you stopped riding.

Old Codger said...

Hey Chocolatchic,
I was wondering too. This is the latest I've ridden into the fall. I don't ride when it's raining regardless of the temps but when it hurts to breathe or my face begins to freeze...I'll be back on four wheels instead of two.