Friday, October 31, 2008

The Week Ends

The week finished well and the weather turned fall-ish instead of winter-ish. It was still a nippy 28 degrees this morning with frost but it was over 70 degrees this afternoon with a clear sky.

Not only that, but gas is currently $2.20 per gallon at Wal-Mart.

Tomorrow we're planning to do some fall projects: move wood from the woodpile to the front porch, move the porch swing from the front porch to the garage, Karen's going to tackle some insulation projects while I paint the walls and woodwork in the basement landing. You might remember the earlier blog about my painting the steps while Karen was away. Now our Saturday schedule has cleared to such a point that it looks like we'll be able to finish the job.

Tanner's allergies are still symptomatic. We're keeping him on Benedryl for the time being. It does seem to help.

I'll be playing the drums for worship as well as teaching Men's Sunday School this week. Thanks for checking in. We're so thankful to have you with us as blog followers.

Have a great weekend.

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