Friday, October 24, 2008

A Rainy Friday Evening

It was a balmy 45 degrees when I rode my bicycle up to the hangar this morning. It was a wet 55 when I rode home in the car with Karen this evening. It looks like it could be wet all weekend. Lord willing I'll be able to get back up to the hangar and ride my bike back home before Monday.

Karen and I had a quiet but productive day up at MMS. Karen handled the receipting responsibilities, worked on the MMS mailing list, and started to organize a set of files used by various office volunteers over the past several years.

I started my day meeting with an airplane mechanic from the Dayton area. He has an interest in missions, learned about MMS through a friend, and drove up this morning to learn more about what we do. We had a good tour of the facility and then chatted for a while. It looks like he may start volunteering with us as his job allows.

A good portion of the rest of my day was spent working with Bob, our Training Manager. One of the recommendations from the MSI safety consultation two weeks ago was that we initiate a Safety Management System (SMS). Bob and I discussed related material we'd received from another mission organization which already has an SMS in place and started to review their 200 page manual in order to analyze their procedures, evaluate their documentation, and then brainstorm about how we might use their basic framework to help us construct a SMS appropriate for our mode of operation. This is going to take a while, but I'm convinced the long-term benefits will far outweight the effort invested in putting it all together.

Bob and I review the Safety Management System manuals.

Speaking Of The Dogs
Tanner is struggling with allergies right now. We had him in for a steroid shot that was supposed to give him relief for 21 days. He was sympton-free for seven days. It was like he was a different dog. Now all the symptoms are back. We're adding in a Benedryl every twelve hours to see it that helps give him some comfort. The allergies are making him crazy.

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