Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Support Development Seminar

Hey, I had a great time working with John and Mark the past day and a half. John and Mark are the leaders of Compass Aviation Ministries in Shelby, NC. They flew in yesterday morning to visit our facility and to also provide me with the privilege of leading them in support development training. It's really fun when I can help other organizations learn how incorporate faith support into their ministry model.

I never mind talking and it was nice of John and Mark to be such polite listeners. They asked good questions, we had valuable discussions, and we covered a large quantity of information in a relatively short amount of time. They stayed awake, I didn't lose my voice, and we even worked a lunch in today at the Yucatan Mexican Restaurant here in town. It's the best Mexican restaurant within an hour's drive in any direction. Of course it's the ONLY Mexican restaurant within an hour's drive in any direction but all kidding aside, their food is great.

We wrapped up the orientation about four this afternoon and shortly after that John and Mark released the tie downs on their Cessna 206, taxied off to refuel, and then launched into the fall Ohio sky headed back to North Carolina.

It was a pleasure to get to know them as brothers as well as co-laborers in Christ. It's going to be fun to follow their ministry as God reveals His will for Compass Aviation Ministries.

Working through the support development material.

Mark and John with their 206.

Taxing over for fuel before departure.

Bike Riding Clarification
In yesterday's post I wrote about riding my bike up to the shop. Please don't think I ride my bike up there five days a week. Sheesh. Do you think I'm crazy? Have you seen the hill? There's no way I can do it five days a week. That hill is a substantial climb and my 50 year old knees can't take the strain every day. My thirteen year old car has to wheeze up the hill...I ride on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I apologize for not clarifying this in yesterday's message.

1 comment:

Ralph and Brenda said...

You probably clarified that somewhere in you blogs. It's just that some of your readers :) don't pay attention to all the details!