Monday, October 13, 2008

Admin and Maintenance Update

Welcome to Monday!

HR Update
As this weeks starts I have a truck-load of administration projects to be working on: preparation for Wednesday's staff meeting (and writing the minutes afterward), preparation for leading Thursday's special staff meeting to work towards determining the MMS vision, opening application process with a new candidate, establishing arrival and start dates for our next apprentice from MAF-UK, writing the December GroundCrew newsletter, preparing the MMS weekly update, communicating with prospective candidates and several prospective volunteers, beginning to prioritize (and act on) the new set of administrative tasks formulated in response to the MSI safety consultation last week, and getting ready to present a support raising seminar for the leadership of another ministry on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

In talking with Mary, our Director of Office Administration, I learned that she'll be training Dana, who previously worked for me once a week, to work for her in accounting. The second day a week that Karen's going to work will now specifically be to help me with HR responsibilities. Karen will work for me on Thursdays and will work for Mary on Fridays. Moving Dana from HR to Accounting is a good swap for the organization and Karen and I can take advantage of the additional day together. It's win-win.

Aviation Maintenance
With the King Air project completed work is focused back on the Honduran 206.

Chuck removes paint from one repaired wing.

Josh is nearly ready to rivet the new skin on the other wing.

Ian and Mike inspect the fabrication of an elevator for the 206
before riveting components in place.

There's a lot going on! Thanks for being part of it. Stop back often and feel free to pass our link along to anyone you might feel would be interested.

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