Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It Shouldn't be Winter in October

Since I've stated my weather opinion in the title of this post, I don't really need to cover the subject in today's entry. Instead, I'll focus on a couple project updates. But I tell you what, it's dark, gray, cold, and damp out here. When we started having the snow flurries yesterday, the guys in the hangar played a Beach Boys song over the PA in my honor. Jolly.

Honduran 206
The guys continue to push the project ahead as much as they can without additional funds. Josh is tasked with repairing one wing's leading edge. Making the repair will save the mission the $1,000 a new leading edge would cost.

Josh fabricates the repair.

Chad 206
The restoration of the Chad 206 is complete. Now the focus is on completing the mountain of paperwork required by the FAA in order to verify all the parts repaired and/or replaced meet standards and that all repairs have been properly made. This is a monumental task with a project of this nature.

Dale, Gertjan, and Paul coordinate paperwork.

Moody 182
Scott L. is overhauling the retractable landing gear system on Moody Aviation's Cessna 182.

Scott inspects the nose gear fork prior to reassembly.

The past two days I've focused on preparing immigration paperwork for one of our apprentices already in the hangar and for an approved candidate who's preparing to come over from the United Kingdom. I should have everything wrapped up and in the mail tomorrow. This afternoon was spent preparing for Thursday's group discussion related to defining a vision for MMS. I'll continue my preparation along those lines tomorrow.

Stay warm and stay dry!

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