Tuesday, August 5, 2008

At the Airport, Back in My Office, Back in the Hangar

At the Airport
We did have fun running the dogs up at the airport on Sunday. It's beautiful up there now. Everything's totally green, the wild flowers are still blooming, there's always a refreshing breeze, and Sunday afternoon there were flocks of butterflys of all sorts flitting about. Here's a shot of me with the dogs. Don't I look like a real dog handler, outdoorsy type?
Back in my Office
This week I'm focused on compiling a written report for MMS summarizing our trip to England. My goal is to have it ready to present to the MMS Senior Management Team at this Thursday's meeting. I'm already on page ten, without attachments, and am hoping to wrap-up writing the main body of the report tomorrow.

Back in the Hangar
Back in the hangar the Cessna 206 projects continue. Summer can be a challenging time for manpower as vacations are taken, speaking engagements are kept, and special schools are attended. The crew did make it back safely from Oshkosh yesterday evening. We look forward to a report on all they did and all the contacts that were made over their week at the airshow. Mike is off at Flight Safety attending a two week King Air maintenance course.

Here's a picture of Chuck working on the engine for the MAG 206 headed to Honduras.

Here's a picture of Dale, with his hand inside the wing with a bucking bar, and Josh on the ladder, driving a couple rivets in the top skin of the Chad 206's left wing.
Whether upstairs in admin, or down on the hangar floor, we're doing everything we can to move missions forward, get airplanes out the door, and put technically qualified and spiritually prepared people out on the mission field.

Thanks for your gifts and prayers which make it all possible!


Ralph and Brenda said...

It sounds like you're back in the swing of things in the good ol' US of A. ("dog handler, outdoorsy type"...I was thinking Flying Nun...love you bro-in-law!!!!)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Keith...Brenda's comment brought tears to my eyes I was laughing so hard!! (I agreed with her!) You know we think you and Karen are the greatest. ( I'm trying to back-pedal now!)