Saturday, August 30, 2008

It Was Quite A Day At MMS

What a day!
First the Kodiak paperwork was completed allowing a Return To Service (RTS) flight. Then the flight crew graciously took four loads of MMS wives and kids and staff up in the Kodiak for flights over the local country side. While that was going on our German missionary pilot friend, Edger and his wife Gisela, arrived from Canada. They came down to load up the recently restored amphibious floats on a trailer to haul them up to Canada to put on the Cessna 185 we restored for him about a year and a half ago. While all that was going on the Comanche project was completed, taxied, run up, and prepared for pick-up by its owner. And in the middle of all that Williams, the pastor/pilot for Gospel Carrier International was dropped off by a Cessna 150 so he could pick up his Cessna 172 we'd finished. And add in Tusca, Edgar's dog, a wonderfully tempered animal, who made our three hangars her home for the day and wandered through rooms, around projects, in offices, greeting everyone with her sheep dog shaggy smile. And in the midst of all that activity, Dwight taxied a local airplane over to Hangar B for some minor repairs which would allow the owner to fly tomorrow with nearly all of the above happening between noon and 4 PM. Zowie!

It was quite the way to end the week. Here are some shots of the Kodiak.

Ready to fly.

Karen and fellow MMS staff wife Lisa after their Kodiak ride.

The Kodiak departs MMS to resume its national promotional tour.

You'll be hearing more and more about the Kodiak as it enters the market in greater numbers both commercially and in mission aviation. Remember, you saw the very first Kodiak right here, on Missionaries, Mutts and Stuff!

(Sorry for the font shift in the first paragraph. Sometimes Blogger just does weird things.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that the floats are done. Way to go MMS!