Monday, August 4, 2008

Dog Blog: Happy Dog Video

Tanner's Two-Cents

Well, Tucker and Hope and I are rather glad our humans are home. While Aunt Chele and Uncle Tim take good care of us while Keith & Karen are away, it's always nice when Keith & Karen come home.

We're pretty much all back to our regular routine of sleep, wake-up when Keith comes downstairs, go back to sleep until Karen comes down, go for our walk, eat, sleep, bark, sleep, run outside and bark, run inside and bark, sleep, wait for Keith to come home, bark, eat, sleep, watch the Weather Channel, have a snack, watch Keith & Karen go back upstairs, go to sleep and start over.

We did have a wonderful break in the routine Sunday evening as Keith & Karen took us to the most wonderful place around: the Coshocton County Airport and acres and acres of grass and fields to run through and explore. Not to mention stinky rotten things to roll in and tasty treasures to eat. Not necessarily in that order.

We've included a short video clip of how happy we were after running around. I'm glad Keith didn't have the microphone on, so there's no sound to the clip. That's fine. If there was, you'd hear all our huffing and puffing and understand how tired and worn out we were. Yes, we were worn out, but boy were we HAPPY!

By the way, I'm the big, handsome dog in the blue collar. Tanner's the girl in the red collar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Tanner, Tucker and Hope it is sure great to see that you are enjoying yourselves. To be able to be free and run around the hills of the hanger is something humans don't always understand. But from this human, going out by the National Guard Armory and just sitting there enjoying the view for miles and miles, I know you were at the height of your glory! Thanks for the update--good to hear from you!