Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Update

We made the 90 minute drive back into Columbus and had a great follow-up visit with Travis, our physical therapist, this afternoon. He was very pleased with my progress and introduced three new exercises. While continuing to strengthen my gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, we're now working to strengthen the quads on my right leg. I'll incorporate both sets of exercises for the next week or two and then we'll reassess.

Travis released me to nearly full activity with concerns over my lateral stability due to the over-worked and understrength muscles in my right leg. I can mow the flat parts of our yard, start swinging a golf club again, put in full days at work, and walk, walk, walk. Tired muscles are good, pain in the joints/musles is bad. So far I've been two weeks with out pain...ever since starting Travis' exercise program.

We praise the Lord for Travis, for your prayers, and for God's Grace!

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