Thursday, August 13, 2009

Please Pray For God's Glory and A Diagnosis

We are blessed to have an appointment with a sports medicine specialist in Columbus tomorrow morning! After three and a half weeks of pain pills, bed rest, and a couple days in the shop, the pain in my knee, leg, and hip isn't getting any better and has worsened considerably since those two wonderfully pain free days last weekend.

It was neat how the Lord arranged the contact. Karen was at prayer meeting last night talking with our pastor's wife about my situation. Karen mentioned she felt it would be good to find someone who specialized in treating sports injuries so that they could evaluate my knee, muscle and hip pain from that perspective. Near as we can figure, my bicycle ride into the mission triggered the episode.

Our pastor's wife mentioned that the son-in-law of one of our deacons is a sports medicine specialist and wondered if we might give him a call. Perfect.

Karen emailed a summary of my situation to the specialist. He emailed back that we should give him a call. We chatted with him on the phone this evening and we have an appointment with him in Columbus tomorrow morning at 9AM! Wahoo! Thank you, Lord.

Please pray that God would clearly reveal the nature of my injury, that we could arrive at a diagnosis and a plan of treatment, and that the Lord would be glorified through this process!

Thanks. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! Jane and I are praying for you both! There has to be an answer! Love Dad