Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Wife Isn't Only Beautiful, She's Talented Too!

What was that old TV know, the one that ended up, "My wife, I think I'll keep her."? I have no remembrance whatsoever of the product they were trying to sell, but I do remember the line from the ad. And I totally agree with the statement.

The Lord has blessed me with a wife who exceeds anything and everything I could have dreamed up. I don't deserve her, but God knew how much I needed her back on that fateful day, October 16, 2001 when Karen's dog sent an email to my dog to introduce Karen to me.

Not only does Karen make world class salsa, not only is she a fantastic home manager, not only is she a great missionary, not only is she beautiful, she's also totally talented. She demonstrated another of her talents today.

As I had felt so much better over the weekend, we'd returned the laptop computer stand that Dale & Deborah had loaned us. Well, this morning it was obvious I need to spend more time flat on my back in bed.

Since it now looks like this could be a long-term need, I searched out some different styles of laptop stands on the internet and found they ranged anywhere from $19-$100 depending on style and versatility and were manufactured from plastic, metal, or wood. I also found plans for a do-it-yourself model.

As a cost-conscious, bargain hunter, Karen was greatly attracted to the home-built stand. She loves doing things herself and enjoys it even more when she knows she's saving a pocket full of cash. The more she looked at the plans the more excited she became. It wasn't long before she went out to our scrap wood supply, made a trip the local Ace Hardware store, and headed down to the basement.

An hour or so later she came upstairs with my very own adjustable laptop stand made out of scrap wood and a couple bucks worth of hardware! Is that cool or what?

Karen uses a Dremmel tool to shape the wood.

Drilling one of the leg sets.

Finished product!

Thanks, Honey. You're amazing.


Karen said...

Looks more like the mad scientist at work to me!!! Ha!

Anonymous said...

You both are beautiful people and we love you both!If we can help in any way please let us know! Love Dad and Jane

Anonymous said...

You Go girl! That's the Karen I know. Love you and miss you- Ajanie