Monday, April 14, 2008

Back In The Saddle

Greetings from my office at MMS Aviation. I'm finally back in the saddle after wrapping-up our two month support development trip to California. It's good to be back at the shop, the hangar is full of airplanes, and they didn't change the lock or empty out my office while I was gone. I take that as a good sign.

My immediate focus is on recruiting and candidate development. I'm currently working with thirty-seven people who've expressed an interest in serving as apprentice mechanics with us. I'm also supervising two approved candidates raising their support.
We have an in-hangar evaluation of a candidate couple from Missouri scheduled for next month.

Policy updates related to our training partnership with Mission Aviation Fellowship United Kingdom are on my desk and it looks like contact will open today with a possible candidate from their scholarship program.

I look forward to including you in the excitement of all the different things God is doing through the people and airplane projects here at MMS Aviation.

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