Seeds and Straw
So much for the five days of rain. We've enjoyed two days of absolutely wonderful weather. After returning home from MMS this afternoon, I thought I'd take advantage of this weather window and conduct an experiment in the dog's yard. The experiment is to see if we can grow grass in the yard at the same time dogs are using it. In the past we'd shift the fence over and move them to "new pasture." Then we'd seed the worn areas of the old "pasture" for a season of rest and growth.
However with Hope's hips being so bad, negotiating deck steps aren't an option. It's better for her to use the dog-ramp instead.
Consequently, the experiment is two-fold: 1) to see if grass can actually grow in a f
our-legged traffic pattern, and 2) to determine how much straw is going to find its way into the house. I did half of the dog's yard this evening. Lord willing, and weather permitting, I'll finish the other half tomorrow.
After I scraped, raked, Wild-Weaseled, and spread the grass seed, Tucker came out to supervise the straw distribution from a safe spot on the dog ramp. She was very interested in the process.
If we wake up tomorrow to find happy dogs romping around with more straw inside the house than outside, we may need to rethink our methodology.
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