Engine Run-ups: Cessna 210, Cessna 172
While I'm upstairs working on the people side of our ministry, there are a bunch of guys downstairs focused on the airplane side. Two airplane projects underway today are pictured here.
First is a Cessna 210 that is here for annual inspection. As your car needs an annual inspection t
o meet EPA regulations, airplanes need an annual inspection to meet FAA regulations. With the annual inspection nearly complete, the airplane was taken outside for a "run-up" of the engine before being returned to service by the team leader.
The second is a Cessna 172 operated by Gospel Carrier International. It was flown in this
morning for an oil change. The pastor/pilot is waiting for the service to be completed so he can immediately return to ministry. I took this picture during the "leak-check" engine run-up. If no leaks are found, the airplane will be cowled-up, log book entries will be made, and it will be returned to the pastor/pilot. It shouldn't be long before I hear the airplane start up, taxi to the runway, and then take-off.
I wish you were hear to hear it as well. It's a satisfying sound. Thank you for helping make all this possible through your gifts and prayers.
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