It's Good To Be Home
After two uneventful flights, I walked through the Terminal B security gate at Port Columbus Airport and into Karen's arms about 9:50 last night. I was ready for that hug. It was a good hug. It was a wonderful hug. Once we stopped hugging, we went downstairs, collected my bags, and headed back to Coshocton arriving at 11:30 to three very excited dogs. While it was wonderful being out in California for an extended time, it's sure nice to be home.
The highlight of my layover in Minneapolis, was eating dinner at the Maui Taco and Salsa Bar in Terminal C. I've eaten my share of burritos over the years bu
t the steak & chicken, wet, combo meal I ordered at MT&SB rated right up there with some of the best...and this from an airport outlet. The black beans were better than most. The restaurant is done up in surf/tropical decor which is always a plus from my perspective. The meal wasn't cheap, but what airport food is? However, since I'm still tasting the burrito could say I got my money's worth. There were killer onions in the salsa! Pass the breath mints please.
Thanks for your prayers for both the trip and for my travel.
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